Monday, September 19, 2011


My wife, Heather, and I have spent some time in Tanzania, Africa and met some wonderful people there. And some of the most amazing people we have met there are little children. Children so full of life and love. Their smiles are beautiful and their hearts are huge.

But many of these children have lost their parents and are living on the streets. Many of them can't afford to eat and spend their time begging, or in city dumps looking for food that has been thrown out. They are subject to the same diseases that their parents died from, and their potential is staggeringly limited because they can't afford to go to school.

When we meet these little guys our first thought is that there must be more for them than this.

We firmly believe that God wants to use us, and after spending time with these kids it's almost impossible to not be moved into action on their behalf.

So, what does that mean? How do we help?

There is a group in Tanzania, called the Safina Street Network, that ministers to street children in their area by giving them a meal everyday. There are about 250 children (mostly boys) ages 4 to 23, of which only 70 are in school because of limited funds. These are mostly orphans who have been placed in the home of a family member, a foster home, or who actually sleep on the street.

We believe that one of the main necessities for helping these children overcome poverty is for them to receive an education.

Most schools in these areas have a fee of, on average, about $20 - $40 per month for children to attend, which includes school supplies and uniforms... plus the Safina Street Network provides a well-portioned meal for them each day, as well.

We want to send these kids to school.

We have thousands of ideas, but limited resources at this time and we could really use your prayers, voices, ideas and donations to get LPP off the ground. Just imagine how great it will feel to help bring so much hope to little lives that REALLY need it.

Will you join us in our effort to help needy children in Africa go to school and reach their full potential?

If you are interested in being a part of what the Lab Partners Project is working hard to accomplish, or if you have any questions, please email me:

Because we are in the developmental stage of the project, we would LOVE your financial support to get our dream of helping children with their education started. Will you be a part of laying the groundwork for Lab Partners Project by donating for our early administrative costs to get us up and running?

If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please send checks payable to OMEGA Mission International (with "LAB PARTNERS PROJECT" in the memo line) and send to:

Lab Partners Project
c/o Aaron Hale
624 E 61st Ter
Kansas City, MO 64110

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